Getting data

work.dir ="~/Downloads/hapmap/"
## qqunif function

Download plink for mac

## Download plink from
## wget
## TODO: move plink executable to ~/bin/ 
## add to the path if necessary
## export PATH="$PATH:~/bin/"

Download HapMap data

mkdir $refdir
cd $refdir
mkdir output
## Download plink format hapmap 3 genotype data
wget -r (This also downloads tar-ed individual population ped/map files)
# FINISHED --2018-01-26 10:46:48--
# Total wall clock time: 3m 56s
# Downloaded: 4 files, 2.5G in 3m 56s (10.9 MB/s)
## remove annoying DS_Store files in OSX
## find . -name '.DS_Store' |xargs rm
## Mac OSX needs command line toos + homebrew installed. 
## then run 
## brew update
## brew install wget
## cd and use tabs to get to subfolder where gz files are
mv* $refdir
rm -rf ftp.ncbi*
gunzip *.gz

Download population data

## get reported population data

Create small bed/bim/fam file

## create binary plink file for chr 22 (to have small example)
plink --file hapmap3_r3_b36_fwd.consensus.qc.poly --make-bed --chr 22 --out hapmapch22
## get superpopulation data
mv phase3_corrected.psam\?dl\=1 phase3_corrected.psam
## problems with zsh in Catalina to download dropbox link
## zsh: no matches found: 
## problems downloading data from dropbox
## setopt NULL_GLOB
## This doesn't work
## This worked: pasted the dropbox link on browser url and downloaded fine

Calculate Fst among populations

plink --bfile hapmapch22 --fst --within relationships_w_pops_051208.txt --mwithin 5 --out output/hapmapch22-all

Calculate Fst among sub-populations

## create list of EUR, AFR, 
reldata = read_tsv(paste0(work.dir, "relationships_w_pops_051208.txt"))
samdata = read_tsv(paste0(work.dir,"phase3_corrected.psam"),guess_max = 2500) ## guess_max set to large number so that R reader consideres non numeric PAT and MAT values
names(samdata)[names(samdata)=="$IID"] = "IID"
superpop = samdata %>% select(SuperPop,Population) %>% unique()
eur = reldata %>% inner_join(superpop, by=c("population"="Population")) %>% filter(SuperPop=="EUR")
afr = reldata %>% inner_join(superpop, by=c("population"="Population")) %>% filter(SuperPop=="AFR")
eas = reldata %>% inner_join(superpop, by=c("population"="Population")) %>% filter(SuperPop=="EAS")
reldata %>% inner_join(superpop, by=c("population"="Population")) %>% count(population, SuperPop) %>% arrange(SuperPop)

Write list of EUR, EAS, AFR individuals

write_tsv(eur, paste0(work.dir,"EUR.sam"))
write_tsv(afr, paste0(work.dir,"AFR.sam"))
write_tsv(eas, paste0(work.dir,"EAS.sam"))
## plink --bfile hapmapch22 --fst --keep EUR.sam  --within relationships_w_pops_051208.txt --mwithin 5 --out hapmapch22-EUR
plink --bfile hapmapch22 --fst --keep AFR.sam  --within relationships_w_pops_051208.txt --mwithin 5 --out output/hapmapch22-AFR
plink --bfile hapmapch22 --fst --keep EUR.sam  --within relationships_w_pops_051208.txt --mwithin 5 --out output/hapmapch22-EUR
plink --bfile hapmapch22 --fst --keep EAS.sam  --within relationships_w_pops_051208.txt --mwithin 5 --out output/hapmapch22-EAS


Text and figures are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0. The source code is licensed under MIT.

Suggest changes

If you find any mistakes (including typos) or want to suggest changes, please feel free to edit the source file of this page on Github and create a pull request.


For attribution, please cite this work as

R package build (2021). L6-download-data. HGEN 471 Class Notes. /post/2021/02/18/l6-download-data/

BibTeX citation

  title = "L6-download-data",
  author = "R package build",
  year = "2021",
  journal = "HGEN 471 Class Notes",
  note = "/post/2021/02/18/l6-download-data/"