Welcome to the Introduction to Statistical Genetics 2021 class!

We look forward to meeting you all and sharing with you some of the fascinating topics in the field of human complex trait genetics.

We hope you are all staying well during this difficult time. To better prepare everyone for remote learning, we outline below our plan for the class:

• We will use Zoom to deliver lectures at our scheduled class time. All the lectures will be recorded, so if you have Internet connection issues, you will be able to view the lectures after class. However, you are expected to attend all the classes since in-class discussions in Break out rooms will be an important component of the program.

• Some general instructions for Zoom meetings: mute yourself most of time. Video is optional - you can leave it on or not. Unmute when you would like to speak or ask questions. You can also use Zoom “raise hand” function or post your question on “Chat”. Use Zoom Speaker View instead of Gallery View, to save bandwidth.

• We have created a Slack workspace for the class. You can post your questions to instructors and TA on Slack, or discuss among yourselves in appropriate channels.

• Study groups to discuss homework and lecture are allowed and encouraged. We will create slack channels, one per group, to facilitate group discussions, although a group can also use other preferred means of communication. If you would like to join a group, but are not able to find one, ask TA for help.

• We will still have problem sets, just like in regular classes. TA will post them on Canvas and collect the answers.

• The instructors and TA will have Zoom drop-in office hours or as well as 1-on-1 meetings by appointment.

• In our first class on Monday, we will go over these general issues. Additionally, we would like everyone to briefly introduce yourself.

Remote learning can be difficult comparing with in-person class, so it is important for you to give us feedbacks. Feel free to let us know what questions you may have, from technical issues about using Zoom to lecture contents. You can do this by Slack or email. We may also send out surveys to collect your feedbacks. We think if we all try our best, together we can make this class as rewarding as a regular one.

Xin, Haky and Erik


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For attribution, please cite this work as

Xin He, Haky Im, Erik McIntire (2021). Class Announcement. HGEN 471 Class Notes. /post/2021/01/10/class-announcement/

BibTeX citation

  title = "Class Announcement",
  author = "Xin He, Haky Im, Erik McIntire",
  year = "2021",
  journal = "HGEN 471 Class Notes",
  note = "/post/2021/01/10/class-announcement/"